
Advice and information on looking for additional scholarship opportunities, the scholarship process, including how to write a compelling proposal and tips for being successful.

How to write a successful PhD scholarship application

Guidance for AHRC applicants

If you are looking to make an application for an AHRC funded place offered by the Scottish Graduate School for Arts and Humanities, please view the details here.

General Guidance

The PDF document below is from a campus-based workshop designed to address the challenge of writing a scholarship application.

Geared toward AHRC and SGSAH applicants, this discusses general issues, such as

  • how to encapsulate your research ideas in a succinct and effective way,
  • what to do when your research ideas are not yet fully formed,
  • how to get feedback on drafts,
  • how to address application criteria,
  • getting supporting references,
  • and how to make a case for impact.
HSS PhD Scholarships (1.5 MB / PDF)